Digitized historical newspapers have been a crucial source for my research over the past decade. Exactly ten years ago, in 2014, I began my research journey with historical newspapers at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Using a semi-automated multilingual approach to analyze a corpus of over 20,000 articles from German and Italian newspapers, I also started learning how to apply digital methods to historical sources: analyzing large-scale historical newspaper archives simply required such skills. „Large-Scale Research with Historical Newspapers: A Turning Point through Generative AI“ weiterlesen
Schlagwort: postdoctoral project
Once upon a time, I crossed Digital Art History
Once upon a time…
My story starts with curiosity. During my master’s thesis in Visual Arts at the University of Bologna, I could choose some courses from a long list. Among them, I noticed one course entitled “Digital Humanities”, taught by Professor Francesca Tomasi. Its program included an introduction to the field, showing a clear focus on practical applications, as many markup languages, such as HTML and XML, were listed. Taken by curiosity, I included it in my study program. I would say the impact, in the beginning, was strong: I saw lines of markup without really understanding the differences and motivation lying beyond the descriptors and their role. However, I didn’t give up and I spent much time understanding the differences, and why markup, controlled vocabularies, and structured data were important.
„Once upon a time, I crossed Digital Art History“ weiterlesen