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“Should I do network analysis?” – Reflections on the Barcelona Past Networks Summer School 2024

And if so, how? Where to start a network research project?

Questions like these guided our week at the Barcelona Past Networks Summer School 2024, where we taught a hand-selected group of 25 graduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral delegates how to tackle a formalised network research project to study the human past — at the backdrop of the beautiful scenery of Barcelona’s eclectic architecture, the gravitas of the repurposed old church of Sant Agustí (our first venue) and the simple austerity of the University of Barcelona’s Physics department class rooms. After planning this for almost 1.5 years, countless meetings, and combining our joint experience of organising events such as the DH Lab Winter School 2022, or the series of HNR Workshops of the HNR Community, it was a feast to finally see this school unfolding! „“Should I do network analysis?” – Reflections on the Barcelona Past Networks Summer School 2024“ weiterlesen

Introduction to historical (social) network analysis – Part 2

by Demival Vasques Filho

In the first part of this blog post, we discussed the first studies in graph theory and social network analysis. Then, we introduced several concepts: random networks, weak ties, two-mode networks, centrality measures, the focus theory, network visualization, and structural holes. Now, let us move on to some applications and yet new concepts!

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Introduction to historical (social) network analysis – Part I

by Demival Vasques Filho

Last September, as part of our seminar series, “60 minutes of DH”, at the IEG, I presented an introduction to historical (social) network analysis. In the talk, I gave an overview of the field’s history, discussing landmark papers, in my opinion. It was a mix of going through papers fundamental to shaping the discipline (a kind of consensus in the network science/social network analysis communities) and those that are important to me or I like. In the following, I will recount this biased – based on my opinion – talk about the evolution of networks research in this two-part post.

„Introduction to historical (social) network analysis – Part I“ weiterlesen

IEG DH Lab at NetSciX 2020

by Demival Vasques Filho

I just returned from Japan, where I attended the NetSciX (the Winter edition of NetSci) conference. It was an enjoyable event, with inspiring presentations and discussions. Here, I will share with you some of my perceptions about it!

„IEG DH Lab at NetSciX 2020“ weiterlesen