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“Should I do network analysis?” – Reflections on the Barcelona Past Networks Summer School 2024

And if so, how? Where to start a network research project?

Questions like these guided our week at the Barcelona Past Networks Summer School 2024, where we taught a hand-selected group of 25 graduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral delegates how to tackle a formalised network research project to study the human past — at the backdrop of the beautiful scenery of Barcelona’s eclectic architecture, the gravitas of the repurposed old church of Sant Agustí (our first venue) and the simple austerity of the University of Barcelona’s Physics department class rooms. After planning this for almost 1.5 years, countless meetings, and combining our joint experience of organising events such as the DH Lab Winter School 2022, or the series of HNR Workshops of the HNR Community, it was a feast to finally see this school unfolding! „“Should I do network analysis?” – Reflections on the Barcelona Past Networks Summer School 2024“ weiterlesen

Seasons of Green DH and Thirsty Computing

Talking about the weather used to be an innocent topic suitable for small talk. These days, this became a political issue, the existence of snow being populistically framed in order to negate climate change, completely misrepresenting its processes.

„Seasons of Green DH and Thirsty Computing“ weiterlesen

A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 3


Finally, we have arrived at a comfortable depth after recounting the history of computational thought in historical research (part 1) and the development of network research (part 2).1 It is time now to delve into networks in history in part 3 of this series!
„A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 3“ weiterlesen

  1. This series draws in large parts on the chapters on historiographical perspectives on the digital humanities and network research of my dissertation (Petz 2022). []

A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 2


Let us resume our dive into the history of historical network research! In this (three-part series) post, I first recounted the history of computational thought in historical research, and next I will discuss networks for history, before highlighting some of the cornerstones of network methodologies in historical studies.1 This is part 2 on the development of network research.

„A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 2“ weiterlesen

  1. This series draws in large parts on the chapters on historiographical perspectives on the digital humanities and network research of my dissertation (Petz 2022). []

A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 1


Buckle up for a dive into the history of historical network research! In this (three-part series) post, I will recount the history of computational thought in historical research, discuss networks for history, and highlight some of the cornerstones of network methodologies in historical studies.1 Prepare for part 1 on computational thought in the historical studies.

„A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 1“ weiterlesen

  1. This series draws in large parts on the chapters on historiographical perspectives on the digital humanities and network research of my dissertation (Petz 2022). []